About Us
Kit Darby Airline Expert Consulting Staff

Kit Darby
Kit Darby was the president of Aviation Information Resources (AIR, Inc.) from 1989 to 2009. He was a B737-300/800 and B717 Simulator and Ground Instructor for Boeing in Atlanta, GA from 2007-2014, and was an ATP-CTP instructor for Delta Professional Service until 2023. A retired B767 captain with United Airlines, Mr. Darby has interviewed 21 times with 17 different airlines and worked with four majors and one national airline since 1978.
He has a BS in Aeronautical Studies from Embry-Riddle AU. Kit is author of the Simulator Flying Guide, Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Career Pilot, the World Wide Pilot Supply Report, World Wide Jet Transport Simulator Study and the new Pilot Career Guide, and publisher of the Airline Pilot Salary Survey, Airline Pilot Careers magazine (1996-2008) and Airline Pilot Job Monthly Newsletter (1993-2009).
Kit’s flight experience includes 20,000+ hours total time, 10,000 hours jet time. ATP with B717, B737, B727, DC-8, and B757/767 type ratings, flight/instrument and flight engineer instructor, commercial instrument helicopter pilot, plus military instructor/instrument examiner ratings in two helicopters and five fixed-wing multi-engine aircraft.

Dan Gradwohl
Financial Analyst
Daniel Gradwohl is a financial analyst with KitDarby.com. Mr. Gradwohl is the author of Air, Inc.’s yearly Airline Pilot Salary Survey and Fleet and Simulator Directory. Mr. Gradwohl also does financial analysis of potential career value earnings/projections in conjunction with expert witness legal proceedings.
Daniel received at Bachelors Degree in economics and history from Muir College at the University of California-San Diego in 1988. During college he worked as an analyst in the schedule planning department at Pacific Southwest Airlines.
Following graduation he obtained his private, instrument and commercial certificates and was a flight instructor for three years in the Los Angeles area. Gradwohl went on to fly six different aircraft types at Ameriflight from 1992-1995 before joining Ryan International Airlines on the Boeing 727-100/200. In 1997 he was hired by Northwest Airlines and has worked as a second officer on the airline’s DC-10s and B747-200s. He is currently a B-767 Captain for Delta Air Lines.

Michael Moffett
Mike Moffett is a major airline captain who has accumulated more than 20,000 during his 31-year career. In addition to his current position as an Airbus 320 captain, he has ratings in B-757, B-767, B-737, DC9, and ATR-72 aircraft and has accumulated north of 20,000 flight hours spread among seven carriers. He also served his airline as an instructor and Proficiency Check Pilot for five years.
Mike has been affiliated with Kit Darby for more than 22 years serving in a variety of roles including workshop presenter, data miner, face-to-face pilot counselor and for 12 years as a feature writer and “Ask the Counselor” columnist for the Airline Pilot Careers Magazine.
Moffett grew up in Southern California where he attended the University of California, San Diego, earning degrees in Communication and Economics.

Jo Halverson
Editorial Research and Administrative Consultant
Jo Halverson is an aviation research specialist with KitDarby.com. Jo is a former editor/writer for Airline Pilot Careers magazine, published by AIR, Inc. She provided topical articles that focused on current events impacting the aviation industry and the pilot profession. Currently, Jo provides fact checking and research support to client reports.
Jo has a BA in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She worked as a radio news reporter prior to entering the aviation field.
Jo was employed full-time as a major airline pilot until 2020 and is type rated in the A320, B767, B737 and Citation X. She has served as a Captain on the A320 and flight engineer and first officer on the B727/B-737. Her career trajectory began as a flight attendant, working on her flight ratings and certificates on her days off. She has also worked as a flight instructor and contract pilot for the Department of Defense Military Courier Service as well as at NetJets and as a Regional airline pilot.